Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday 209

Hey guys! Sorry I'm late for this but just realized it's Wednesday. I'm so hard at work preparing for the Vista Fiber Fiesta, I'm not sure if I'm coming or going. That's the problem for working for yourself, days of the week don't really matter. Sadly, I'll be able to keep track of time better soon as hockey season is starting. I usually know what day it is when, as I keep track of when my teams are playing.

Anyway, I have an update on my Skull Shawl (the pattern is called Jolly Roger shawl). I've started the lace skull border and I have to say, so far this has to be one of my favorite projects I've ever made for myself.

Isn't it awesome!? The whole border is in the Pumpkin Spice. I'm using Candy Skein Savory fingering in Pumpkin Spice and Oyster. Depending how it looks after the border, I might add a few rows of Oyster garter stitch to it before binding off.

That's it for me today. I hope you have a great rest of the week.


  1. I, too, look forward to the lace edging!

  2. Perfect shawl for Day of the Dead...very tempting!

  3. I haven't been on for a very long while so hope it's OK to come back. Oops! I seem to have managed to add myself twice! I like the shawl you are working on and, like other bloggers, am looking forward to seeing the lace edging. The colours go well together.

  4. That looks like an interesting shawl. I like the color combinations, too.

  5. Very nice looking shawl. i like this mode..

  6. Lookin' good!!!! The widget isn't loading for me (could be the machine I'm on) -

  7. Ojjjeeee, soviel Englisch kann ich nicht. Grrrr, aber egal, ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.

    Lieben Gruß Eva

  8. Wow sehr schönes Projekt gefällt mir ganz gut
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  9. The shawl looks fantastic, I love the colours!

  10. Hallo du liebe,

    toll sieht dein gestrickter Jolly Roger Shawl aus ... ich bewundere ja jeden der stricken kann. Aber zwei Nadeln sind einfach nichts für mich. :)

    Habe noch einen tolle Sonntag und ganz liebe Grüße die nähbegeisterte Andrea

  11. Das sieht nach jede Menge Maschen aus, die Ringel gefallen mir sehr gut. Auf das fertige Ergebnis bin ich schon ganz gespannt. 😊
    Viele liebe Grüße deine nähbegeisterte Andrea

  12. Oh, how I understand the not knowing whether you are coming or going. I'm glad you've figured out a way to keep track of the calendar, even if only in winter! Better than I have managed! The pumpkin spice is an unusual blend to me; I'm not sure I would have thought to put those colors together. Very attractive!

  13. Ich finde dein Jolly Roger immer wieder klasse und ziehe wirklich meinen Hut. 😁

    Habe eine tolle Woche und ganz liebe Grüße deine nähbegeisterte Andrea 🌲

  14. Happy knitting! I used to knit and chrochet earlier, but changed to books & reading :) Have a nice Sunday.

  15. Also diesen Shawl kenn ich noch ggar nicht. Schaut aber so schön aus Viel Freude beim weiter stricken . Liebe Grüsse Marlies

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  23. Looks nice! Can't wait to see the finished shawl!

  24. oh my gosh, how lovely! and fun! LeeAnna

  25. ...I love the orange, it a wonderful color of autumn. I hope that the Vista Fiber Fiesta goes well.

  26. It must be both exciting and challenging to work for yourself and lose track of the days. Your Skull Shawl looks absolutely amazing! Wishing you a fantastic weekend and happy knitting!

  27. I love the colors! Blue and organge are our football team's colors so they are popular here.

  28. I like that shawl! I looked at the pattern but not sure how to follow it. I don't want the skulls. LeeAnna
