Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Work in Progress Wednesday 146

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. We had a very fun and busy weekend, and since it was a long one, it's catch up time this week. Before I get started, I just had to take a quick moment to have some hockey excitement. As you all know, I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE hockey fan, and my teams are the LA Kings and Pittsburgh Penguins. As of Tuesday night, they are both going to their respective conference finals. I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I have a few things to show you, but not a lot of progress to be honest. I didn't get any knitting/crafting time this weekend.

Not a ton of progress since you last saw this, but do you notice the little side wings starting?! It's going good, and now I'm just marching to the finish. I think the pattern calls for 12" before the final end rows. I hope to have this finished in the next week or so. This is my Herbivore shawl by Stephen West in MadTosh Sock in Spectrum. Not a great pic, but I took it at 11:30 at night. 

This is fabric that I cut out to make a little tote bag. It's a free pattern on Craftsy (a free class actually!). I was having issues with my sewing machine (user error I think, since my friend came over and it worked great for her), so I hope to jump back on this and see how I do making it. I don't have a ton of sewing experience but one of my goals is to get much better than I am at it. Isn't this amazing fabric? Again, sorry for the bad pic, but it's Nancy Drew fabric!!!! So awesome.

That's it for me today! I hope you all have a great rest of the week and I'll see you back here on Friday!

For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!


  1. Loving the shawl and progress is progress no matter how big or small I always say. Your tote bag is going to look great, really striking material.

  2. My daughter is a big Nancy Drew Fan, she would love that material!!
    Thanks for hosting.
    Marigolds' Loft

  3. I love that material. The red color with the black is just great.

  4. SYDNEY CROSBY and JAROME IGINLA! I guess you know who I'm cheering for :)
    Love the Nancy Drew fabric! We read those books obsessively when we were kids!

  5. Oooh, Nancy Drew fabric! :-) I've made two quilts and a tote bag and a camera strap cover and I still want to keep sewing with it. Those prints are just WAY too much fun!

  6. I love the color of that shawl. It's gorgeous!

  7. Love the fabric! I need to do more sewing...

  8. That fabric is just too cute! Great yarn on the shawl too

  9. This is a great post, thanks for sharing it.
