Hey everyone! I hope you're having a great week. I'm going to keep this pretty brief as I have been in front of the computer a ton this week. If you read my post yesterday, you know that I will be opening my shop next Tuesday. Because of this, I have been very very very busy. I've taken all new photos of my yarns, finished building my website, design and order my business cards and am still in the process building the inventory on my Artfire store so that everything will be ready for me to "flip the switch" Tuesday. I guess you can call all of that work a WIP in itself. I'm also trying to dye the last of the un-dyed yarn I have in stock so that I can open the store with as many hanks of yarn as possible.
That brings me to another WIP that I don't have a picture to show. It's a new self-striping that I swatched, or am in the process of swatching for the store. I'm far enough along with it, that if I show it to you, you'll see the whole color scheme, so I'm going to save the picture for next week.
Now on to WIPs I have pics of:

Not a great photo, but you get the idea. I'm really trying to make a dent in this blanket as I would like to have it finished soon. Each row seems to take forever, due to working it length wise like I mentioned last week. Now that the colors have repeated, I really like it. I wasn't sure at first, since the light color is SO light compared to the other two. Anyway, I'm happy with what I've finished on it, but not on the progress that I've made. It's also kind of hard to work on such a heavy, warm project due to the weather being nice. Today is supposed to be 82 degrees, so the blanket isn't the ideal project to work on.

What's that beautiful yarn you ask? Why, that's more
Knit Picks Chroma in Prism! When I ordered the yarn for
my scarf, I bought this extra ball for just this purpose and that purpose is another monster!. When I got the order, I was so excited, but then I hit that wall with the monster I was working on at the time, now named
Roger. This time, I'm making
Harold the Houseplant Monster. I picked him for a few reasons, one being it will be a challenge to do the hands and toes, and I wanted to make sure that I learned something new, just like I did with Roger. I probably won't be getting this done any time soon though.
I have too many other things to do. I need to officially start my tank top, and also I've been dying to start my first pair of socks. So many projects in my queue and yarn in my stash, so little time. I may be bothering some of you for some help on my first pair of socks, so watch out for my trolling your Ravelry mailboxes or annoying you here. :)
On another note, I'm really a really fun knitting book, but I'll wait to share any more about it until later. I plan to write a review of it, despite it being an older book. I was lucky to randomly find it at one of our antique malls for $2.50!
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