Friday, December 30, 2011
A Look Back and a Look Ahead to the New Year!
I wanted to write a year end post to thank you all of you for being so awesome. You've not only supported the blog through the past year and a half, you have encouraged me not only to improve (and take up) knitting, but you've also been a huge part of Candy Skein. Without all of you, I would have never dreamed that I could have opened up my own hand dyed yarn shop and been successful. You've let me live my dream, and I thank you for that.
As you can imagine, it's been a crazy year for me. A year ago, almost to the day, my husband and I were sitting in the Trader Vic's restaurant in San Francisco trying to think of a cleaver name for my company. That's when and where Candy Skein was born. Since then, he's done all of the artwork for me, I built the website, dyed a LOT of yarn (I was trying to figure out how much I've dyed, but that's pretty hard. Let's just say 100s of skeins) and opened my virtual doors to you. I've done two shows/fairs and will be doing at least 2-3 more next year. Candy Skein is growing each month, as all of you spread the word loud and wide. I can never thank you all enough for that. I have great plans for Candy Skein in the next year, and I hope that you will join the wild ride with me.
A year ago this month, I learned how to knit, thanks to all of you. You were amazing sending me videos and tips, as well as projects for me to try. Not only did I learn to knit, I love it way more than I could ever imagine. Sadly, though I still love crochet, I can't remember the last time I picked up a hook to do something other than catch a falling stitch. Knitting has become a part of me and my life, and because of it, I've met amazing people. I went out seeking a knitting group in my local area and found a group of amazing ladies that I thank my lucky stars for each day. They've not only become close friends, but I think of them as part of my family. Each Monday night, we sit around a table for three hours and laugh while (kind of) knitting. I never seem to get a ton done (this past week, I knit a total of 1 row), but I wouldn't give up that time to anything else. They've taught me so much about knitting, yarn and even life and I can't repay them enough.
I've come so far in my fiber arts endeavor in 2011 it's remarkable. I completed 25 projects this year, and have another few that will be finished in the next few weeks of 2012. I bought and used a LOT of yarn (though, not as much as I'd have liked) and survived a yarn diet. I have so many projects dancing in my head for 2012, I can't even believe it. I have a few 2012 knitting resolutions I'd love to share with all of you! I hope you make me stick to them, and it will be fun to look back in a year from now to see how many I've accomplished.
2012 Knitting Resolutions
1. To use at least 40-50 skeins of yarn from my stash. I know that will be hard, but I think I can at least come close!
2. To finish my first sweater, and make at least one more in the next year.
3. To learn how to make cables and how to do stranded/colorwork knitting.
4. To finish all the socks in my knitting group's Harry Potter sock challenge (one pair each month of the Harry Potter sock patterns on Rav by Erica Lueder.
5. To keep track of my stash better on Ravelry so I have some kind of idea of all that I own.
6. To sell at least three times as much Candy Skein yarn as I did in 2011.
7. To be better about blogging. I know I'm pretty good about WIPW and FO Friday, but I hope to have more regular posts, much like this one. I want to start doing knitting book and podcast reviews and more! Make sure you really keep me to this one.
8. Finish at least 10 more projects than I did in '11.
That's about it really. Oh, I know I haven't posted in awhile about A Year of Projects, but I am still following it! So far I've finished 7 of my 21 projects listed. A few I've changed to other projects/yarn as I've worked. I know that's not a ton, but I'm going to keep knocking them off. I have about half the year to do it in. Wish me luck!
Again, I hope you have a very happy and SAFE new year. Let's all toast to our knitting and crochet!!!!
Love, Tami
FO Friday 67

Anyway, this is about finished projects, not future ones! I also promised I'd tell you a little about our trip. We had a great time, as mentioned on Wednesday, despite getting a little homesick toward the end of it. We were gone a total of 14 days on a Hawaiian cruise. We got to go to the Big Island (Hilo), Oahu (Honolulu), Kauai (Nawiliwili) and Maui (Lahaina). We did 3 excursions while we were in the ports, and I was really proud of myself because two of them concurred two of my fears. We went in a submarine in Honolulu (I'm afraid of small/tight spaces) and we went zip lining on Kauai (I'm afraid of heights). The good thing was, the submarine was first, so I didn't have much time to REALLY worry about the zip line, which is the one that I was most fearful of. I have to say, both were fun, but I LOVED zip lining. It was incredible!
Here are a few pictures we took throughout our trip!
These last two pics are from where we zip lined. The highest zip line was 250 ft above the ground. Crazy, huh?
Enough of my trip, as I'm sure you're pretty bored now! On to knitting!!!
While I was on the boat, I had to do some serious knitting. One of the things I had to start AND finish was socks for my sister for Christmas. I knew I was going to see her on Christmas eve, as she was the one taking care of my dog, Milo, so there was no way of getting out of it. I brought a skein of Yummy fingering in Brain Freeze and once we were in Honolulu (and I finished the first of the socks I shared on Wednesday), I cast on. The next two days we were in ports (Kauai and Maui), so I didn't get too much knitting done on them. I was starting to panic, and knew that if I wanted to work on anything else during the trip, I had to crank them out FAST, and that I did. I've never knit so fast! Of course, it helped that they were an easy pattern, just a simple rib pattern that ran down the instep. I finished them 3 days and actually really liked how they turned out! Luckily, I had time to rest from knitting, and then make a hexipuff and work on my Rhombi sweater a little.
Yarn: Candy Skein Yummy fingering in Brain Freeze
Needles: US Size 2
Pattern: Basic Ribbed Socks
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the socks on anyone's feet (I actually almost forgot to take pictures, and had to unwrap them right before I left to give them to my sister!), so they look a little boring. You get the idea though!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Candy Skein- January Sock of the Month Club Colorway!

I know I say this every month it seems like, but I can't believe it's that time again to reveal the new Sock Club colorway of the month! Having two weeks taken from life with my vacation has really screwed me up time wise!
It's cold outside (well, in most places!), and what better way to warm your feet than with a new skein of soft sock yarn! When I think of January, I think of beautiful snow on the ground, with gorgeous blue skies on a sunny cold day. The fresh air that flows through your lungs, the air so frigid it almost seems like it has a minty feeling on your tongue. That's why I picked Arctic Mint to be the official January 2012 Candy Skein Sock Club colorway!
This gorgeous light and dark blue skein will look amazing made into just about anything, from shawls to socks to a matching hat and mitten set!
Colorway: Arctic Mint
Series: Yummy- Candy Skein Monthly Sock Club January 2012
Fiber content: 75% Falkland British Merino Wool, 25% Nylon Superwash
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 465 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash/Tumble dry low
Price: $16
Limited time only!
Available January 1 -January 31
You may purchase your skein today, but they will not ship until next week.
BUYWork-in-Progress Wednesday 73

Hi all! It's good to be back. :) I'll be doing a longer post this week in the coming days to tell you all about my trip, as well as close off the year with a look at 2011 and list my knitting resolutions for the coming year. I wanted to thank all of you for sending me warm wishes in the comments while I was away. I was able to quickly glance at some of them when we were in port, and read them when I returned. It was so nice to come back to it all.
I don't have much to show this WIPW. I'm almost finished with my holiday knitting. I know, I should be done, but I'm not. While on my trip, I knit three socks (that's not three pair, but three socks), did a hexipuff (except I didn't bind off because I didn't have stuffing) and a few rows of my sweater. Not to shabby for two weeks! Anyhow, this is what I'm working on:
I think you saw the very start of the first of these socks. I'm just about to finish the heel flap of the second one, and hope to have them finished in the next few days. I'm doing the hedgerow sock pattern from Ravelry and using Candy Skein Yummy fingering in Robin Egg Malt Ball. Fun pattern! I wasn't impressed with the way it looked at first, but love the way it looks on and finished. The interesting part of this pattern, IMO, is that the leg and in step pattern carries into the heel flap. These are the first socks that I've done that with. I'm sorry it's such a crappy picture, but before I left for my trip, I dismantled my photo setup so that the cats didn't hurt themselves/destroy anything while we were gone, and I'm using my iPhone for the picture because I haven't downloaded/plugged in the cameras from the trip yet. I wasn't sure my computer wanted to handle all of that right before bed! LOL
The pair I finished while on the trip will be shared on Friday, since I started and finished them while I was gone.
That's it for me today! I hope everyone had an amazing holiday!!!!! Be sure to come back this week, as I'll be sharing the January Candy Skein Sock Colorway of the Month on Thursday, Friday my socks that I knit on the cruise and hopefully Saturday I will be posting my New Year's post!
For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!
EDIT: As you can see, I'm out of practice and forgot to add the Mr. Linky as I wrote this at 10:30 last night! SO SORRY!
Friday, December 23, 2011
FO Friday 66

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! I'll see you next week for some fun 2011 stats with the blog and my FOs! I'll have a lot to share. :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Work-in-Progress Wednesday 71

Hi all! Only a few more days until Christmas. Hopefully I'm on the last sock! LOL, It's kind of weird writing these two weeks in advance, but there you go! I hope all of you are resting/relaxing with fun knitting, and aren't too stressed for the holidays. Please enjoy it and have a great time with family. :)
Okay, that's it for me. I'm probably headed to some kind of happy hour while you read this. ;) For those of you who aren't regular visitors, I'm on vacation and will be back to normal scheduling next week! Sorry for the inconvenience.
For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!
Friday, December 16, 2011
FO Friday 65

I hope that I have a FO that I just can't share, due to not being able to upload it! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Work-in-Progress Wednesday 71

Happy Wednesday! I hope all of your holiday knitting is going great, or even better I hope you're finished with it all! Since I'm writing this way in advance, I hope I'm plugging along on socks right now, as that's the last of my Christmas knitting this year.
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well, and I can't wait to get back and share all of our trip adventures. Have a great rest of the week!
For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!
Friday, December 9, 2011
FO Friday 64

Happy Friday everyone! I'm going to keep this short, as I have so much to do between now and Saturday afternoon. I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I will be scheduling WIPW and FO Friday posts while I'll be gone, but won't be able to comment on your posts, or share any of my pictures. Please still post your links for all to read/view!
I finished my second monster in a week, which is great because it was the one project I didn't want to take on the ship with me, due to the stuffing, eyes, assembly. I made Kat the Kitchen Monster by Rebecca Danger for my 2 1/2 year old niece, Emma. She actually picked that one as her favorite from the book back when I first bought it, and her favorite color is baby blue, so I hope she loves her.
As I mentioned, I was afraid of the hips being too wide, but it turned out okay I think. I ended up kitchner stitching her head, instead of 3 needle bind off, because I have no clue how you could turn her inside out, as it is knit in one closed piece, but that's what the pattern called for. I figured kitchner basically does the same thing, so no biggie. Her head just isn't as round as it could be. I'm not crazy with the placement of her mouth in the end, I wish I had put it a little lower and I'm not sold on the ribbon, but it's what I have around. For now, I'll call her done, as she has to be ready to be loved on Christmas Eve.
Unfortunately I finished her last night, so I wasn't able to get a cute/fancy picture of her, so this one will have to do.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Work-in-Progress Wednesday 70

Hi everyone. I hope you're having a great week. I'm not sure I've said something yet, but I will be on vacation from Dec 10 (this Saturday) to Dec 24th. In that time, I'll still be posting WIPW and FO Fridays, but they will be scheduled as of this week, with no updates, just the Mr Linky so everyone can participate. I also want to wish everyone a happy holidays, regardless of what you celebrate!
Also, a Candy Skein note, if you'd like to order a custom skein, please do so by the end of today, so that I can dye it and get it mailed before I leave. If you'd like yarn sent to you for the holidays, I'll be mailing out orders that are purchased until Friday afternoon. After that, all orders placed between Dec 10-24 will be mailed on December 26th. Sorry for the inconvenience!!
Okay, now that is done, let's check out how behind I am on my Christmas knitting! Let's just say, I'm glad I'll have a lot of time to just sit back and knit for the next two weeks!
Since I'll have a lot of time to knit on vacation (did I mention we're going on a cruise to Hawaii!? ALLOOOHHAAA), I hope to get it all finished by the time we get back. I have two more pairs of socks to make, and I hope to finish the monster I'm making right now this week.
That leads me to a pic of the monster! I'm making Kat the Kitchen Monster from Rebecca Danger for my younger niece. She's 2 1/2 and her favorite color is baby blue and this was her favorite monster from the book. Unfortunately, I messed up and increased too much in the hip/leg area, but decided to just go with it. It looks a little weird, but I hope it looks normal, or okay once I stuff it. We'll see. As I said, I hope to finish this for FO Friday, or at least before I leave. Again, I'm using Plymouth Superwash Merino DK.
I started on a new pair of socks. I'm using the Hedgerow sock pattern and Candy Skein Yummy fingering in Robin Egg Malt Ball. Now much to say with this so far, as I just started, and am focused on the monster!
That's it for me right now. See you all Friday!
Friday, December 2, 2011
FO Friday 63

Anyway, to FO Friday. As you can see, no picture, BUT, I finished KNITTING the monster!! WOOT! I had a little issue tonight, as I was rushing to finish knitting the last piece...I snapped my needle in half. Now, with a small needle, that wouldn't be too odd, as last week I broke one of my US size 2 needles, but this was a size 6 needle! Oy. So, after I pouted for awhile, I realized I had another size 6 that I could swap out to finish. My Rhombi sweater is size 6 needles, so luckily, with the needles being interchangeable, I was able to snake it to finish.
Unfortunately, the little setback made it so I didn't have time to stuff and assemble. I promise to get it up today ASAP! So please come back and check out Bea!
Edit: HERE SHE IS!!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Work-in-Progress Wednesday 69

As far as WIPW, I'm currently working on one thing, the Rebecca Danger monster, Bea, for my niece. It's a Christmas gift, so I'm trying to plow through it, marking it off my list, as I still have a few gifts to get through. I have the body knit and am working on the arms right now. I'm using Plymouth Superwash DK, and I really like the stitch definition with it, except if you catch a little area of it, it seems to snag kind of easy, due to the really pronounced stitches. Hopefully it holds up as a toy. I really like how soft and squishy it is though. I hope to have this done at some point this week, as I have another monster and two more socks to finish. Yikes! Time is ticking by.
That's it for me today. How is your holiday knitting going?
For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Candy Skein- December Sock of the Month Club Colorway!

I can't believe it, but it's that time again to reveal the new Sock Club colorway of the month! As we all know, the holidays are upon us, and what a perfect time to cozy up with knitting needles and a squishy skein of Merino sock yarn in a fun new holiday colorway. When I think of the holidays, I think of holiday lights, carolers, presents and hot chocolate, but one of the first things that pops into my head is candy canes.
Who doesn't love the sugary peppermint little candy hooks that brighten the candy store shelves this time of year? I know I do! That's why I picked Candy Cane to be the official December 2011 Candy Skein Sock Club colorway!
The red and pinky white stripes would look great for a pair of holiday socks, a scarf or a cheerful hat!
Colorway: Candy Cane
Series: Yummy- Candy Skein Monthly Sock Club November 2011
Fiber content: 75% Falkland British Merino Wool, 25% Nylon Superwash
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 465 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash/Tumble dry low
Price: $16
Limited time only!
Available December 1 -December 31
You may purchase your skein today, but they will not ship until December 1st.
On another note, I will be out of town from December 10-December 24, so if you'd like a custom colorway dyed for a holiday gift, please let me know ASAP. I will stop taking custom orders next Tuesday, December 6th, as the yarn will need time to be dyed, dry, reskeined and shipped before I leave. Also, my lovely friend is going to be handling all Candy Skein orders while I'm gone, but if you'd like to insure you receive any Candy Skein yarn before the holidays, please place orders before December 9th so that I can get them to the post office before I leave. Thank you for understanding!
Friday, November 25, 2011
FO Friday 62

Hi everyone! Happy Black Friday! I'm actually writing this on Wednesday night, so I need to keep this short. I still have a pie in the oven, stuffing to make and I need to pack and it's already 9:45. Down to the wire, that's the way I like it! ;)
I can't explain to you how happy I am to have finish this project. It's not because I don't LOVE LOVE the socks and the yarn. I really did, and I can't wait to make these socks for myself. It's because I just have SO much Christmas knitting on my plate that I need to pick up my speed.
Yarn: Candy Skein Yummy fingering in Royal Rock Candy
Needles: US Size 2
Pattern: Hermione's Everyday Socks
Changes: I didn't change anything, except that I did only 10 repeats of the pattern on the leg, instead of the 18 the pattern calls for.
I hope these fit my mother in law! If not, I have someone else I can give them to, but that means I'll need to crank out another pair if they don't. They're a little small on me (I wear a size 9). Anyway, as I said, I LOVE this pattern. It's so easy to memorize, yet it doesn't get too boring. It's a simple four row repeat and I LOVE the heel. It's Eye of the Partridge but with a garter stitch edge which I had never seen before this pattern. I'd highly recommend it!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hi for the second time today, everyone! If you're on the blog looking for Work in Progress Wednesday, just scroll down! I normally do my Candy Skein post on Thursdays, but due to the holiday and travel, I had to bump it up. Sorry for the inconvenience. :)
I am SO happy to announce that I have the first set of mini skeins available starting TODAY in the store! I only have 17 sets, so please get them while they last! I won't be putting out another set until after the holidays probably, as I will be out of town for two weeks in December, and then craziness ensues until January 2nd.
Each mini skein is 5.5-6 grams, 25-28 yards in my Yummy fingering weight base, which is 75% merino superwash/25% nylon. Trust me, you won't be disappointed! That's enough yardage in one mini skein to get TWO hexipuffs!!
Each assortment set includes:
8 mini skeins, one in each of the following colors:
Cotton Candy
Orange Sherbet
Lemon Lime
Brain Freeze
Midnight Mousse
Party Punch
As well as a set of Candy Skein beads (the ones that normally come with each skein of yarn) in 7 different colors!
Colorway: 8 assorted colors (Cherry, Cotton Candy, Orange Sherbet, Banana, Lemon Lime, Brain Freeze, Midnight Mousse, Party Punch
Series: Yummy
Fiber content: 75% Falkland British Merino Wool, 25% Nylon Superwash
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 25-28 yards each skein
Unit Weight: 5.5-6g each skein
Care: Machine wash/Tumble dry low
Quantity Available: 16
Work-in-Progress Wednesday 68

Just a quick note before I start with my WIPW portion of the post. For those interested, I will be posting Candy Skein Assortments, which are sets of mini skeins today on my site. I will have another post later today when they're for sale. :)
Okay, now to WIPW!
I don't have too much to share today, as I FINALLY finished the socks I've been slaving over. More from that on Friday (which weirdly I'll be writing the post today and scheduling it, so I apologize in advance if the scheduling doesn't work properly. Sometimes it doesn't put the post up when it should, so keep your fingers crossed).
What I did start was another Christmas present (I can't wait until it's over so I can work on something for myself! LOL). I'm making another Rebecca Danger monster, Bea the Basement monster, for one of my nieces. Her favorite colors are pink and light green, so despite these not being colors I'd pick, I think it will look cute and she'll (hopefully) love it! I'm using Plymouth Superwash DK, and love it so far. It's SOO soft and squishy, though a little splitty I must say.
That's it for me sadly! I'm still working on my Rhombi sweater, but Christmas knitting has now taken a priority over it. Someone asked me last week I think, about my skirt. That's on the back burners, but I will be working on it after I finish my sweater and a few other things. I'm hoping to have it in time for spring, which seems so far away but will probably be here before we know it.
Again, happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. Drive safe if you're traveling and eat lots of turkey (or if you don't eat meat, enjoy the rest of the fixings!) I have to go make a gluten free pumpkin pie from scratch now!
For those that are new to WIPW, to share your WIPW post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Despite it saying you must comment, don't feel as if you do. That is something Mr. Linky automatically adds. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. Everyone loves feedback and a little encouragement on their projects! Also, please link back to this post in your post to get the word out! The more the merrier!
Friday, November 18, 2011
FO Friday 61

Happy Friday! I am ashamed to not have an FO this week, as I needed to finish the socks and start a new project. Does it count that I made two hexipuffs at the beginning of the week that I shared for WIPW? Oh well, next week I promise to have at least ONE FO to share, despite the holiday weekend. :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing all of your FOs today. Even if I can't comment on everyone's posts, I do try and read as many as possible each week. Thanks again to everyone who participates in WIPW and FO Friday. I really appreciate it.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Candy Skein- Tempting Sock!!!!

I also wanted to announce that Candy Skein will have mini skeins available starting next Thursday! The first assorted kit will include 8 different colorways, 5 grams, 20-23 yards each. They will be for sale for $10 for the whole set, plus s/h. If you've always wanted to try Candy Skein yarn, or are working on the Beekeeper's Quilt or a Sock Blanket, this kit will be perfect! Check back next week if you're interested in purchasing one and to see which colorways will be available in the first assorted kit!
Colorway: Butter Pecan
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Blueberry Sorbet
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Lemon Lime
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Cherry
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Party Punch
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Blackberry
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Royal Rock Candy
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Grape Fizz
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Blueberry Cheesecake
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1
Colorway: Sour Apple
Series: Tempting Sock
Fiber content: 80% Merino Superwash/10% Cashmere/10% Nylon
Weight: Fingering Weight
Yardage: 437 yards
Unit Weight: 100 grams
Care: Machine wash Cold/Dry Flat
Price: $20
Quantity Available: 1