I can't believe it's here!!! The Vista Fiber Arts Fiesta is THIS Saturday and Sunday from 10am-4pm. I'm getting the last minute touches ready, running the last of my errands for the show and nervously awaiting tomorrow when I can set up the booth.
I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful knitting friend who has all of the booth parts and pieces, and her husband will be helping me put it all together! I wouldn't be able to do the show without them, so thank you Robin, if you're reading this! I can't wait to get started and to meet the few of you who live in the area that plan to stop by. If you do make it out, please please please stop by the booth and say hi! I will have over 120 skeins of Candy Skein yarn available in multiple colorways!
That being said, the online shop will be closed until the fiber fiesta is over since I will be bringing all of my stock. Once the show is over, I will be updating it with available stock. Also, in the coming weeks I plan to have a ton more sock yarn available so check back for that!
Since I've been sick this week, I haven't been able to post about an interview I did for Indie Yarnie Week at Stacey Trock's Fresh Stitches. Thanks again for having me, Stacey!
120 skeins - wow - you've been busy!